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Self-Defense Tactic Everyone Should Know

Choke Defense

If you are being choked around the neck, you need to release the attacker's grip as quickly as possible.

The longer your airway is restricted, the better your chance of falling unconscious. If the attacker is placing pressure, you run the risk of being pushed to the ground (a defending range that you try to avoid at all costs). To break the standing choke hold, create a lock around his hands, release the lock using Avital's Combative Twist (a snap-like movement that engages the power of your whole core), then immediately launch a counterattack to disrupt the attacker's thought process, neutralize the threat to your safety, and escape to a safe location.

Stay on your feet (so that you can release the choke grip). This is where your Survival Stance will help you withstand force being applied against your balance.

You will be required to get into your Survival Stance and even shuffle with the attacker as he/she applies pressure against your balance.

Most people try to plant their Survival Stance and push against the attacker, only choking themselves out faster.

Part 1: Release the attacker's grip.

Assuming you are already in your Survival Stance, you will be required to learn a mechanical lock and release tactic that does not require you to be bigger or stronger than your attacker.

  • Create the Lock: To create the lock around the attacker's choking grip, bring your near side arm's bicep against your face (make sure there is physical contact) and wrap your rear side hand around the soft part of the attacker's same side thumb.

  • Release the Lock: Complete a quick Combative Twist (torso/full body snap rotation) as you simultaneously use your rear side hand to pluck the attacker's hand off your neck. When you twist your body, make sure to keep an eye on the attacker (so you don't expose your back), keep the near side arm against your face, and to keep the rear side plucking hand (that is still holding the attacker's hand) on your body.

Part 2: Immediately Counter strike.

When you release the attacker's grip, immediately capitalize on the sudden exposure to vulnerable targets on your attacker. You will see that when you release the lock, you will be in a position to counter strike the attacker using a Back Hammer Fist, or even swinging elbow (depending on your proximity and the amount your Combative Twists pulls your attacker off balance). Beyond that first opportunity, engage in additional combatives such as shin kicks (where you drive your shin bone through the center of the attacker's body) to end the threat and escape to a safe location.

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